Title: The whale in the woods / La balena nel bosco
Author: Emanuele Piccardo
Subject: Architecture
Year: 2017
Language: English / Italian
Pages: 180
Size: 15×21 cm
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788895459288
Price: 20,00 €

“This project takes a long look at photography and film without any artistic division. The photography influences the choice of frames, and the film sequences influence the montage of the photographic sequence. Nevertheless, the choice of black and white is seen only in the film.
My approach is to try and understand the theory of architecture, to try and identify myself with it, so I can, in turn, express my idea of architecture in the same way I photographed and filmed Giorgini. I persevered with certain elements of his architectural research and worked with fragments to restore a unitary montage of the complexity of his architecture, using the actress, Tullia Di Nardo, as sole protagonist of the film.”

The film is available from October 5 on archphoto.it youtube channel